All on Six

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IntroductionWhat is All on 6 Treatment?

If numerous teeth need to be replaced, one therapy to consider is the all-on-6 operation. The prosthesis is mounted on four dental implants that are angledly positioned in the upper and lower jawbones. Any type of prosthesis can be supported by it. All on four is a quick and simple dental treatment. Additionally, it is chosen to prevent bone loss.

How is All on 6 treatment conducted?

An oral and jaw surgeon will evaluate the patient’s panoramic and x-ray images during the initial evaluation. The predetermined teeth are extracted via local anesthetics if the patient’s oral health permits the procedure. Six implants are then positioned at an angle, and when the necessary measurements have been taken, the temporary prosthesis is affixed to the implants. After three months, a permanent prosthesis is attached, and the treatment is then finished.

The Advantages of All on 6 Treatment

With the help of the All on 6 procedure, patients who have lost all of their teeth can once again grin with a healthy full mouth. Patients benefit from immediate but pleasant outcomes due to the brief therapy period. The All on 6 procedure is economical because fewer implants are required. The implants provide a precise fit for the patient’s mouth because they are a custom-made option. For patients with jaw bone loss, bone transplants are not necessary. Recuperation is brief. In a short period of time, the patient regains the capacity to speak and eat.

The Disadvantages of All on 6 treatment

To avoid harm, the patient must pay close attention to dental hygiene.

Who is the ideal candidate fo All on 6?

Patients who cannot receive bone grafts commonly undergo the All on 6 procedure. If a patient has lost all of their teeth or has teeth that are severely damaged and cannot be fixed, All on Six is an option. Additionally, it is perfect for people who need healthy teeth in a hurry.

How long do All on 4 Implants Last?

As long as the patient maintains appropriate oral hygiene, All on 6 is a solution that lasts a lifetime.

Treatment Summary

Of Transactions


Processing Time

5 hours

Anesthesia Method

Local / General

Sensitivity Process

1 week

Return to Work

1 day after

Full Recovery Process

1 week

Persistence of Results


Eating - Drinking

2 hours later


Zirconium Coating 400+
Root Treatment 250+
Bleaching 90+
Filling 450+


Zirconium Crowns 1.400+
Laminated Veneer 350+
Bleaching 100+
Filling 250+


Zirconium Crowns 2.500+
Root Treatment 2.000+
Bleaching 300+
Filling 1.400+


Detertraj 1.440+
Küretaj 7.650+
Flap Operation 650+
Gum Inflammation 450+
